Ph+ CML in
Chronic Phase
Patient portrayal
Monitoring matters
When you have Ph+ CML in chronic phase, monitoring your blood is key. Your doctor will order tests to see if you are responding to treatment with SCEMBLIX and to check for side effects.
Discuss your results with your doctor
It’s important to go for any blood tests your doctor prescribes. But you should go a step further and discuss the results of your blood work with your doctor. This will help you understand what your results mean.
Tests your doctor may prescribe
Keep track of your results
You may find it helpful to keep track of the trend in your BCR::ABL1 level. You and your doctor will want to see this level decrease or stay stable over time. If your BCR::ABL1 level starts to increase, your doctor may adjust your dose or consider another treatment option. |
Other tests your doctor may require
During your treatment with SCEMBLIX, your doctor should conduct tests to check for side effects. Your doctor will periodically monitor your blood pressure. Your doctor will also check your blood cell counts (white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets), and test for pancreatitis. Your doctor may also order a pregnancy test before you start treatment with SCEMBLIX.