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After her diagnosis in 2005, Lynne went through 3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for Ph+ CML in chronic phase before joining the clinical trials for SCEMBLIX in 2015. She encourages patients who are struggling with side effects or falling short of treatment goals to ask their doctor if it’s time for a different medication.

Please note, Lynne cannot provide clinical advice or counseling. For medical questions, speak with your doctor.

Lynne is an actual patient who has been compensated by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation for participating in the SCEMBLIX Peers program.


Watch videos of Lynne's answers

Is CML a “good cancer?”

What results have you seen with SCEMBLIX?

What is SCEMBLIX and what are the possible side effects?

Get the perspective of another SCEMBLIX Peer.


Hear about Al’s Experience

Al's experience