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Photo of actual patient Lynne

Some patients experience a treatment journey that’s anything but a straight line

If you’ve been struggling with a lack of response or unmanageable side effects from your current medication for Ph+ CML in chronic phase, you’re not alone. Some patients have had to deal with the same issues—as you’ll see from the videos below.

Amanda’s Journey

Diagnosed when she was only 25, Amanda has been living with Ph+ CML in chronic phase since 2009. Amanda discusses how she struggled with side effects but kept them to herself. She also experienced resistance. Over time, she learned the importance of being honest with her doctor about side effects. Amanda’s doctor switched her to SCEMBLIX, which helped her achieve her treatment goals.

Brian's Journey

Brian was diagnosed with Ph+ CML in chronic phase in 2013 and his wife Corinna has been at his side every step of the way. Learn how they’ve fought the disease together, from working with their local doctor in Montana to driving 6 hours to see a CML specialist. After trying multiple medications and experiencing intolerable side effects, Brian was prescribed SCEMBLIX and has reached his treatment goals.

Al’s Journey

Al was diagnosed with Ph+ CML in chronic phase in 1997. Back then, there were no tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) approved for treatment of the disease. Over time, that changed and Al’s story follows the gains that have been made in treatment over the last 2 decades. Learn how Al’s journey took him from one medication to the next until his doctor of more than 20 years suggested that he participate in the clinical trials for SCEMBLIX.

Lynne’s Journey

Diagnosed in 2005, Lynne tried several medications for Ph+ CML in chronic phase over the years. With each medication came more side effects than Lynne would care to mention. A big believer in advocating for herself, Lynne discussed her side effects openly with her doctors. After struggling with other medications, Lynne participated in the clinical trials for SCEMBLIX. That was back in 2015 and Lynne has been seeing results with SCEMBLIX ever since.